What does Mom on Mission Look Like?

I have always had a heart for mission, for serving the under-served. As of lately, I have found myself struggling to just keep up with my daily demands and trying to figure out what does service look like for a mom to small kids (& throw in the pandemic). I recently read/completed a devotion that is titled 30 Days of Heartwork (thanks Kirbi, who may never see this, for including me in this devotion group). When I tell you it tugged on my heartstrings, I truly mean it did!

Some stats I learned-

  1. 780 million people lack clean water… yes clean water.

  2. There are estimated 153 million orphans worldwide.

  3. 1.14 billion people live on less than $1.25 per day

  4. Approx. 1.8 million children die a year as a result of diseases from unclean sanitation.

  5. 6 million children die from malnutrition each year

  6. 21 million people worldwide are victims of forced labor

    **stats from www.compassion.com, www.worldorphans.org, water.org, ilo.org

Just take a moment to think about that. I am not sure about you, but for me, these stats literally break my heart. I sit here in my comfortable life, with my first world problems (& some heavy ones sprinkled in), while people are just trying to literally get the basic things they need. I love how the devotion said:

“Compassion not only sees the need, compassion touches the need.”

Look at how Jesus lived His life in the Bible - He touched and healed the man with leprosy , it was culturally a no-no to even be near a man with that condition; remember the story of the bleeding woman, she touched his cloak and He gave her opportunity to share the miracle; He promises the poor will inherit greater (Luke 6:21-22); read His parables for instance the Rich Man (Luke 18:18-30); the list could go on. Over and over the Bible reminds us to defend and honor those that cannot fight or speak for themselves, those people who seem to be nothing in this world.

The issues we face today of poverty and injustice are very deep rooted, complex issues, and it’s going to take lots of truth revealed, accepted & educating; uncomfortable conversations, a willingness to change our ways, and living a life of compassion vs self-serving. (& reparations!!!)

How much more impactful would we be to bring people to Christ if we actually showed Christ through our actions versus our just words? That would speak SO MUCH louder. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

But as I stated above, as a mom to young small kids, I just always wonder where do I fit in? Kids require so much, physically and emotionally. I also deal with issues within my self, not being confident in who God has called me to be. I have not read or heard many messages taught on what this looks like, serving as a mother. I do see the “anomaly” people, who are on mission living in a third world country with a whole family while fulfilling God’s calling. As of now, God has not lead me to do this, but to those who have heard the call and taken it, I admire you!

While I would love to be out in another country, serving, at this time I think I am called to serve right where I am. I do not have all the answers for this and would love to keep learning and growing in this area. But my guess is that we are to serve where we are called and sometimes it’s just within our very reach of things. We can serve through multiple ways, through our jobs as we love and serve those we work with and those we service (customers, patients, stakeholders, etc), through our church, through our family as we love and serve our children, grandchildren, nieces & nephews, and through our community around us. Let me just tell you, the “through our family” part really hits big for me and there seems to be a disconnect in this area sometimes. Sometimes just being there for our kids or our family members, like REALLY BE THERE, is service. To those with a large support system, a family who is willing to be there always, you are truly blessed. I am reminded that I serve my sisters when they just need a break from their kids who have been driving them crazy, physically going to scoop them or meeting them, and giving them a few hours to just breathe. It does not always have to be the big things, it’s most of the time the small things too and sometimes for those people right next to us!

New Dehli India

New Dehli India

There are several local missions that we can take part in to serve, either within the church or an independent non-profit. I am going to work on gathering a list and if you are local, perhaps we can serve together. Another way to be on mission, is that we can also serve and love through the way we vote and policies that we support.

And do not forget, that as a mother, a parent, we do things for others (our kids, spouse) all day long. I needed to remind myself of this as well, as I often feel that in order to make an impact that it has to be done outside the home, but I am making an impact in my family’s life (at least I hope haha). As the boys get older, we will all get to serve together! Going on a mission trip and doing local missions really has changed my perspective on life! If you have not done outreach, I highly recommend it.

Psalm 140 says that God secures justice for the poor and upholds their cause but Psalm 82 calls us in to do the work. He secures that justice through us. We are to defend the weak and the fatherless. We are to uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. We are to rescue the weak and the needy; to deliver them from the hand of the wicked. - From Heart Work Devotion

The Bible commands it. So let’s get uncomfortable, and even inconvenience ourselves to take steps to really being like Christ and fulfilling His commandments.

If anyone gives you even a cup of water because you belong to the Messiah, I tell you the truth, that person will surely be rewarded. Mark 9:41 NLT

Pencil Drawing I did of some of the children in Honduras that my mom & sister met while on mission

Pencil Drawing I did of some of the children in Honduras that my mom & sister met while on mission

As I am writing this, I am feeling much better, this has been therapeutic (totally speaking to myself with this post but sharing in case anyone else feels the same way). I have been felt so heavy hearted about not being able to do more, but my time will come to expand my reach and in meantime, I will take steps to serve as I am called.

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading!!! I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!!